Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 2 - Anime Recap

This is the recap of the anime series Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 2!
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 2 - Anime Recap

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 2 begins where the Episode 1 has ended. Frieren starts teaching Fern the fundamentals of long-range magic, stressing that mastering Fern's mana output and strength will take years of dedicated training. However, Fern's exceptional control over mana, a skill many find challenging, stands out. Over the next four years, Frieren continues unraveling the grimoire, while Fern diligently trains under the elf's guidance and independently in the woods.

When Heiter inquires about the child's progress, Frieren notes that Fern has surpassed what most achieve in a decade and is perhaps studying a bit too intensively. Suddenly, Heiter collapses and becomes bedridden. Heiter acknowledges the miracle of his prolonged mobility, and Frieren reassures him that she'll decipher the grimoire swiftly. Despite Heiter's suggestion for Fern to halt her training and stay by his side, Fern refuses, stating that she must be able to hit the rock with her magic before the priest's passing.

In a poignant backstory, a younger Fern stands on the edge of a cliff, contemplating suicide in the aftermath of a war. A wise and aged Heiter intervenes, persuading her not to end her life, emphasizing the waste it would be for her to die. Heiter shares his own experience of losing a friend who never turned away from those in need. He realized that by staying alive, he could save more people compared to his friend. Despite initially planning to live quietly, Heiter acknowledged that preserving the memories and lessons from his friend would be a more meaningful way to honor his legacy.

Drawing parallels for Fern, Heiter believes that she, too, possesses valuable memories that shouldn't be squandered. Grateful for being saved, Fern is determined to repay Heiter by acquiring skills that ensure her survival. She aims to bring him continued joy in knowing that she was saved and will remain safe. Frieren, moved by Fern's conviction, permits her to persist in her training, concurrently decoding the grimoire that holds the potential to save Heiter.

Eventually, Fern successfully achieves her goal of hitting a nearby rock with her magic. Simultaneously, Frieren completes deciphering the grimoire, only to find it devoid of spells related to revival or immortality. Heiter, not surprised by this revelation, speculates that if such a spell existed, Sage Ewig would have employed it themselves. Frieren, acknowledging Fern as a proficient mage, unveils that Heiter's primary objective was for Fern to become skilled enough not to impede Frieren's travels as the elf's apprentice.

As Heiter faces his imminent death, he urges Fern and Frieren to leave on the same night, ensuring Fern doesn't experience further loss. However, an emotional Frieren rejects this suggestion, encouraging Heiter to bid the child a proper farewell and create lasting memories. When questioned about why he saved Fern, Heiter explains that it's what the Hero Himmel would have done. Subsequently, Frieren ascends the same cliff where she first met Fern, witnessing the results of the child's training.

Heiter's death arrives, and Fern expresses gratitude to Frieren for allowing her to repay the priest. Over his tombstone, Frieren pours two full bottles of alcohol as a tribute. With their journey finally beginning, the two set off together.

Engaging in simple tasks to acquire magic spells, Frieren and Fern find themselves working for a herbalist. While Fern perceives a slight difference in their views on magic, Frieren contends that their love for magic is fundamentally the same. Their current task involves cleaning the statue of Himmel, the hero, in exchange for information about the local flora. Frieren reminisces about the time it took for Himmel to decide on a pose for the statue.

As the statue is cleaned, the herbalist plans to enhance it with colorful flowers. When Frieren considers summoning a flower bed-making spell, she recalls Himmel's fondness for blue moon weed flowers, even though she has never seen them. Although it has been decades since these flowers were last seen, Frieren is determined to find them. Before leaving, Frieren notices Fern concealing seed rats in her robe, claiming she intends to release them into the forest.

Six months into Frieren's quest for the elusive blue moon weed flowers, Fern becomes disheartened as she realizes the elf has no intention of stopping anytime soon. Expressing her impatience to the herbalist, Fern is handed a bag of seeds of related species and advised to communicate her feelings to Frieren, acknowledging the vast difference in perspectives between elves and humans.

As Fern shares her sentiments with Frieren, the elf acknowledges that she is no longer operating on her own time and assures Fern that the search will conclude soon. Although Fern is dissatisfied with the vague timeline, their conversation is interrupted when they spot a seed rat making off with the bag of seeds. Following the creature, Fern takes the opportunity to inquire why Frieren collects spells. Despite the potential complexity behind it, Frieren dismisses it as a mere hobby, one that was once complimented by an "idiot."

Spotting a tower that serves as the storage for seeds forgotten by seed rats, Frieren and Fern make their way to the top. As they ascend, a flashback of Himmel expressing a desire to witness blue moon weed flowers with Frieren plays in the elf's mind. Upon reaching the tower's summit, it is revealed to be abundant with the elusive blue moon weed flowers. Fern follows Frieren, still struggling to comprehend the elf's deep affinity for magic.

In a moment of reflection, Frieren asserts that Fern does understand, pointing out that she chose to prioritize learning magic above all else. With the blue moon weed flowers in hand, Frieren and Fern return to the herbalist, adorning Himmel's statue with a bed of these cherished blooms to the herbalist's delight. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 2 on a cliffhanger as before departing, Frieren ensures to place a wreath of flowers atop Himmel's statue as a final touch.

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